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M.C. Escher (graphic artist)
“We adore chaos because we love to produce order”
Me, Myself, I
I’m a freelance graphic designer and web content designer and editor, living high on the beautiful North Downs of Kent.
I previously worked for 13 years at Country Living Magazine, published by Hearst, in London. There, I did every job in the art department – from Picture Researcher all the way up to Acting Art Director – and in doing so I learnt key design skills: how to transform words and pictures into something clear and informative for the consumer to understand, how to select good pictures, and how to work efficiently. I also styled food photo-shoots and did some feature writing – something I enjoyed very much. Being around good sub-editors for so long honed my editing skills, which are frequently used when designing and creating.
Since becoming freelance I keep busy with a mixture of graphic design, web content design and editing, and creating digital newsletters.
My design philosophy is good design at a fair price.
Deiter Rams (industrial designer)
“Good design makes a product understandable. Good design is unobtrusive. Good design is as little design as possible”.